Sunday, January 31, 2010

Hard week...

Well I got through the first week but it was very hard for me. I am sorry if I havent really talk to any one, its been hard to talk and not get emontional. Anyways last week appointments went good we had an ultra sound and doctors appointment on monday and ultra sound tech she has really long legs now that was the first time I heard that..anyways really nothing new or exciting, still having contraction but nothing concerning. We have done really well keeping busy and learning the public transportation because taxi's got expensive quick. We have been to down town, Haight and Ashbury, fishers Warf and today we went to Golden gate park.

Tomorrow I have an ultra sound and NST and I just hope that this week will fly by and before I know it Feb 8 and we will have our so precious Emma.

Thanks for reading..

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wow I got my itinerary...

Alright so here's my itinerary:

Monday, February 1
10:45 arrival for 11:00 Ultrasound at 400 Parnassus Ave., located on the Plaza level A099
1:00 NST in OB at plaza level (arrive at 12:45 to register) Plaza level OB

Tuesday, February 2
3:00 OB appointment with Dr. Yvonne Cheng

Thursday, February 4
1:00 NST in OB at plaza level

Monday, February 8
Nothing to eat after midnight- No Breakfast- since you will have an amnio and may have a c-section.
7:45 Ultrasound at 400 Parnassus Ave. Located at Plaza level A099. Then go directly to L&D.
10:00 amnio for fetal lung maturity (FLM) on Labor & Delivery, 15th floor of main hospital.
1:00ish c-section, pending the results of the amniocentesis. If the FLM is mature then you will be delivered. If the FLM is immature you will have your c-section the following week.

Tuesday, February 9
If delivered, baby’s back repair

So on that note... Nick really wanted me to let the MOM's study know about the contraction's I have been having a let them make the decision if I need to come early. There doctor will be contacting my doctor to get a good feel of what's going on. They will be letting me know what they think this afternoon.

Also we had a Ultra sound on Monday and it went good,her measurments look GREAT and is measuring ahead now and she is 5lbs 6oz which is great to hear. Have a NST on Friday then the last doctors app. on Monday.

Thanks for reading and will let everone know what the MOM's study decides.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

She needs to stay put for "JUST TWO MORE WEEKS"!

So I am 34 weeks and it started yesterday morning I started feeling really yucky and crampy. Ended up calling the doctor she wanted me to come in a get checked and do my monitoring with her but she was at a different office up in Scottsdale. So between then I started getting more contractions and then it started in my back. I was starting to freak out to say the least.. So we get there and they put me on the monitor the tracks babys heart rate and my contractions well I did that for 25 minutes and turns out the entire time it was recording the contractions and they where coming every 5 minutes. So my doctor comes in to check my cervix and to a test to see if I will go into labor in the next two weeks. The great news is my cervix are completely closed and she called me last night to let me know the test came back negative for going into labor in the next two weeks. As for my contraction she said I really just need to take it easy rest allot and if they get worse and I can't ignore them then I need to go into St. Joes and get checked again.

So lets all hope it just stays this way until we leave.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Spina Bifida Awareness

Check out how cool these necklaces are, when you first get to the page it talks about them and you have to click on the link to check them out. What a great way to spread awareness and help raise money!

Thanks for reading!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Wanted to share..

I wanted to let everyone know Mark and Sherry is helping us out in a big way, and has paid for Emma cordblood to be banked. We are so "THANKFUL" for this. I have started to do some research on what they have done with stem cell research and have found some pretty promising stuff.

I wanted to share some of the stuff I have found but I will just post the link to the website instead of writing everything out, its allot of stuff.

This link talks about Obama approving the first embryotic stem cell lines..which means allot for us here in America because government can actually fund stem cell research for the first time to really make huge break troughs.

Ok here's the blog of a little boy who started stem cell therapy in China.

Here on some articles about research in India and there website and information they have.;year=2005;volume=10;issue=3;spage=138;epage=141;aulast=Gupta

Thanks for reading!

Monday, January 4, 2010

APP/Ultra sound.. catching up!

Ok so I am a little behind. So today our appointment went really good. Some of her measurements are still measuring around 34weeks, some right under 34weeks but her head is still measuring small so the average puts it at the new date 2/26 which is 32weeks. I still think she is ahead of 32weeks and closer to 34weeks. She weighs 4lbs8oz and everything looks great. I will have to start going in twice a week one day for stress test and the other is an ultra sound to make sure she is moving and has enough fluid around her. So my next app. with the doctor will be Jan 25, which is fine because I will be in there every week I just wont be seeing the doctor. I was glad to find out if I need to go in to get my cervix checked I can go there instead of L&D also if I am having consistent contractions and need to be monitored (of course thats business hours).

Which is good since I have been having allot of braxton hicks so Ive been having to keep my feet up and not do to much. The last thing we need is her coming early..

The other thing that I have been trying to figure out is bloodcord banking it is extremely recommend for a baby with Spina Bifida since later it could be used to improve movement. I spoke to my doctor and she said she would defiantly recommend it. The problem is its very expensive I have called a coupld different banks and the cost is pretty much the same. We would be looking at $2,00.00 and $150 yearly. I have found one bank that selects 2 family's for the year to get it for free if they have some pre-condition. So this is my next step to see how it works. To bad we dont have more time since tax time is coming and I know we will be getting back. If we can make it work we can always put our hope in a public bank and hope no one is the same match that way its still there when she will need it. Anyways wish us luck that I can make it work ; )