Wow last year was just a crazy year for us, and I just think wow we are finally able to just catch our breath and relax and not worry so much. Just thinking back being away from my son and husband for almost 6 weeks, and being in the hospital day in and day out for two weeks was probably one of the hardest things I have gone through.I just remember thinking all I want to do is take my baby girl home and be a family, and now look at us. Emma is here with us doing awesome and we are a happy family.
It's a crazy thought to think Emma will be turning one soon. This year has gone by so fast I feel like I blinked and she just grew up in front of my eyes. Lets all pray that this year will be good to us and no visit to the hospital or serious doctors appointments. This year should be less crazy with the doctor appointments then last year, which is such a relief.
I have been going back and worth with my self on whether or not I want to go back for the 1 year evaluation for MOM's study due to the MRI that they want to do. I have had bad feeling about it since we got back home. I called and talked to the RN for Emma's Neuro surgeon about whether or not she will need an MRI for her one year eval here since she has to see all of her doctors for a one year check up. She told me they do not do an MRI unless they think something is going on and there is a concern. Which on a side note I was informed that her doctor will be moving to New York in February and she needs a new doctor. I was extremely worried because they told me the only other Neuro Surgeon was Dr.Bristol who we saw when I was pregnant and she was just awful, but luckily turned out it was the only other doctor at St.Joes so and we will be going some where else. Anyways back what I was saying before about the MOMS study eval is, the RN talked me into going and then all the sudden I found out today....WAIT FOR IT..... MOM'S STUDY IS OVER! Yep thats right its over and the information has not been public yet but from what I understand they have decided that the prenatal surgery out weights the risk and they will start doing it. They are still having everyone that participated in the study continue to come back for the 1 year and 3 year evaluation. I honestly didnt know what to think because when we went they really made it seem like there wasnt much that out weighed the risk and I truly felt it wasnt right and really hoped we wouldnt get the prenatal and was total fine when we found out we didnt get it but now I just dont know what to think. I guess the lesson in that is its done and she is doing great and I shouldn't think about it or worry but its still blowing me away!
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