I will be the first to admit that it is so easy to focus on the negative then the positive. This weekend made me take a good look at my life and realize I am such a lucky person. Being around family and friends, and actually spending some time with my husband made me think life really is good. More importantly sometimes I forget truly how blessed Emma is and how well she is doing. Sometimes I find myself comparing her to other kids her age and feeling bad for her. So this made me think I am just so done with feeling like this because there are just so many postives to be thankful for.
So I have good news to report that our little Angel went to see the Opthamologist on Monday and it turns out she is farsited but not concerned that she needs glasses which is awesome. As far as her eye drifting the doctor said to do an eye patch for an hour a day for six weeks. Last night we tried it for the first time, poor thing I felt so bad, you could tell she was trying to figure out what is going on. The patch is like a band aid and its for girls so one has teddy bears with glitter and the other is lady bugs with glitter. Of course Payton thought she looked like a pirate.
Yesterday Emma decided she wanted to stand up grabbed my hands and just stood up! It was awesome so I sat her on the floor in front of her cube and she tried so hard to pull her self up to stand. Didnt get it because her feet kept slipping but great effort! Physical therapoist came yesterday its been 3 weeks since he's seen her and he was amazed at her progress since he's seen her for not having therapy. He said you know she really progresses well all on her own and said since she is pulling to stand he doesnt think she will need the stander. By her pulling to stand she is working those muscles on her own and way better then just using the stander. Which is awesome. She is also rolling around on her own and getting closer and closer to crawling. I had a dream last night that she was walking at her 1st birthday. I know that she is far away from this but I know she will get there and I cant wait for when it happens!!
Wow - standing is so awesome!!! That is great!