So I will admit Thursday was an extremely frustrating day for me. Our Clinic appointment was Thursday, and we have been waiting for this for two months now. Our appointment was supposed to be an hour, turned into almost three hours later which I had Payton with me. Luckily my Mom was there because it would have been a disaster. The first hour was the nurse telling me about Spina bifida..which was like ok my daughter is now almost three months I have known about this at 19weeks you dont think I know all this already! It was like she was quizzing me it was weird asking me questions about it seeing if I could answer them. So finally we get to where she does her exam of Emma. She weighs now 12.4 lbs and grew is at 23 1/2 inchs which is amazing because since she gained 2 1/2 lbs and 2inch from the 7th. She is at the 50 percentile all the way down including her head.
So since she has chiari she was telling me about symptoms and I mentioned to her about her problems with gagging and how she will have moments where it looks like she is breathing really hard. She said to watch her when she sleeps she can have periods where she could stop breathing and turn blue. Since chairi can not be reversed if her symptoms where to get really bad there is a surgery which is a decompression of the brain stem. Then there is her poor little left foot the nurse was concerned it could be tethered cord already which doesnt usually happen this early. We have an appointment scheduled on Friday with the clinic orthopedic surgeon and hopefully he will be able to give some more insight on whats going on. So please pray she wont need surgery and its something like physical therapy and brace will help fix. So after the nurse left its procedure to see the social worker. So her first thing is says is I see you have private insurance, I was like yes why? Well the clinic was setup for kids on medcaid and not all private insurance cover the clinic services. She said I dont want to discourge you to come here because we want Emma here, I said well we do to but if our insurance wont cover it then we wont be coming here. Okay why is someone telling me this NOW! I have been waiting for two months to find out now that we may not be covered. So when I got home I spent two hours figuring if insurance covers the clinic, THANK GOODNES IT DOES! Because what a waist of time when I could have shceduled individual appointments and I am sure she would have seen all doctors already so I was irritated to say the least.
And on a happy note AzEIP/Early intervention came out yesterday and it went great they really informative and super nice. So for development she is where she is suppose to be and physically they said she has great rang of motion and she bears weight on right leg and foot its just the left that the concern is. I did explain what the nurse thought she before they can help with the left foot we need to make sure its not a tethered cord because you can do serious damage if it was. It was extremely refreshing to have someone tell you how well her range of motion is and I know our little girl will be walking. Which makes me Happy as a clam : D
a small side note Payton had a wonderful Birthday and thank you to everyone for his Birthday wishes her are some pictures to share..
So serious..
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