Wow I can't believe how long its been since I've written a blog. Its easy to shut the whole world out when you have so much going on, I tend to focus on the day to day stuff. Well here we are the last summer before my baby goes to Kindergarten and I have no more kids at home. Its hard to think how fast the time go's by and before I know it they will be grown up.
I know come Monday morning first day of Kindergarten I will be crying it's a guarantee, but they are tears of joy for the last five amazing years we have spent together.
She has been through so much in such a short amount of time and she has so much Love and Strength and Fire in her that it makes me so proud to say I am her Mom.
And of course I can't forget about Payton who amazes me all the time.
Payton has grown up so much, I can't believe he is 8 already. He is going into 3rd grade and at the end of the year Payton received awards and Student of the Month for his grade for Honesty. He was tested at the end of the year for reading and math. He passed the 5th grade reading test and the teacher couldn't test him past that. He is so bright and always wants to work hard to make everyone proud of him.
Thursday was Open House to meet the teachers. They had the grades split for different times.
So we saw Emma's teacher first. Emma was super excited and said she loves her.
Her teacher is super sweet and seems like it will be a really good year for her.
Then we went and saw Payton's teacher later, and at the end of last year's school year a third grade teacher he met and he really liked her and told me he really hope he would get her and turns out he got her. She is also really great teacher and seems like a good match for Payton. He also got two of his good friends in his class so he is so excited for 3rd grade.
And So am I!
They will both have an awesome year I know it.