Geeze I feel like a broken record but seriously it's like no time to sit on the computer and blog. Well things for Emma has really been good! Well she did get another ear infection in the same ear which I just dont think it ever went away. Emma got her first hair cut, haha my Mom kept giving me a hard time about her hair because it was just all over the place. So the this picture is right after I cut it but I only cut the front.
I swear if was like she turned two and all the sudden the words just keep coming. Its a new word everyday. It's such a relief to know its one less thing we have to worry about. Emma has gone through a serious growth spurt she has just shot up. The bad side to this it has really made her tight on her left side I have really been having to work her a couple times a day so she can have good range of motion.
She has been working so hard in physical therapy that you can really see the progress she has made, She is pulling up every where she can. In therapy we work on strengthening her legs. Her therapist took a chair and has her practice sitting and standing up. Now we have moved to no chair and getting her comfortable getting back down when she pulls her self to stand. Poor thing she gets so scared after she has gotten her self up onto something she cant figure out to get down. From what her therapist said her body hasnt learned those signals yet so it feels to her like she is out of control. So what we are working on will help fix that so she feels comfortable about what she is doing.
So I am been trying to come up with something for Emma to do while we are doing yard work in our back yard and I came up with a Sandbox and it turned out to be a huge hit. We spent lots of time outside yesterday and Emma didn't even want to go inside she just wanted to keep playing
Which is totally awesome because I can start gardening and get my backyard ready for summer.

She also got a Water table for her birthday from Nana and Papa and that was also a huge hit except I couldnt keep the dogs out of the water :)

So we have a new addition to our family. We first rescued a Saint Bernard that was 6 months old and didnt turn out so well due to the fact she didnt get along with Dozer so we where all very sad because we had to take her back, but with much searching for the right dog we finally found her and I guess things just happen for a reason because this dog was meant for our family.
Her name is Daisy she is almost 5 month's and she is a Saint Bernard. She is already 60 lbs so I would say she will be a VERY BIG DOG! but seriously she has the best dispossession I am going to train her to be Emma's service dog. By the time Emma would actually have a use for a service dog Daisy will be the ideal age to do so.

And best part great with the kids and of course Dozer as you can see...
These videos are a must watch so if you get this in a email click on the links to watch : )
Emma Jamin out!
Emma working hard in therapy :)
and Dozer and Daisy laying together which happens all the time, its to cute not to share