Tuesday, October 18, 2011

She is A O.K.

So today Emma had her heal cord procedure and it went pretty smooth. Luckily Nick was able to leave work for a little bit which helped allot! My poor little's is really trying to get around with the huge and very heavy cast on her :( But thank goodness she is extremely determined and is figuring it out. Let's hope this time we wont have any problems with the cast slipping.

She will be in the cast for the next two weeks, I was a little bumbed it will still be on for Halloween but I think we can make it work. After the cast comes off we will be getting new AFO's for her.

Here's are most recent pictures we went to the Wild west Festival this weekend which most of the pictures are from

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Spina Bifida Awareness Month

Wow here we are again another year and its Spina Bifida Awareness month. It really is an important month its unfortunate that they cram so many in one month that are all very important that shouldn't be over shadowed by another. Spina Bifida is the second most common birth defect 1 out of every 1,000 newborns in the U.S. are born with Spina Bifida that's an average of 11 pregnancies per day have Spina Bifida but so many people have no idea what Spina Bifida is. Yet there are still so many doctors out there that have such a horrible out look and paint such a horrible picture of what the outcome will be. This has been the biggest thing for me from the vary beginning and I have numerous stories of this, and doctors encouraging to terminate the pregnancy. I get so emotional about this because I feel like so many are so ready to not gives these kids a chance at life. Every person I have come into contact with love there life, granted they all have challenges but still love life. I think the biggest thing for me that I could tell everyone is not about prevention but that there is hope and Spina Bififa is not a death sentence. Every person has an amazing story of trials and tribulations.

Our story is our daughter was born with Spina Bifida and we where told She will never walk, she will have no feeling below her hips and she will be mentally handicapped. They couldn't have been more wrong. She constantly proves her doctors wrong, she is amazing in every way. She is so smart, loves to color, loves to dance and just is the goofiest little girl. She always has a smile on her face. She consontantly touches everyone she comes into contact with, and everyone can't help but to say how amazing she is.


Please Help spread the word about Spina Bifida awareness month Thanks!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Much needed update...

Geeze I have been slacking hard on our blog. Things have been going good, busy but good! The last month we have been working extra hard to get Emma at a neutral position on her foot. She has been really tight ever since her shunt surgery due to her being sick for so long and no therapy is why she got so tight. So we were really trying to avoid surgery of course. So yesterday was her orthopedic appointment to see where we are at. Now he said she is allot better from when he last saw her but we really have to try hard to get there. PT gets her completely neutral when he leaves but soon after she starts to get tight again.

So we came to a good compromise I think.. because previously he was talking having to put her under to do the heal cord lengthening and another additional procedure to help her from getting so tight but I just explained that she was very flexible previously to everything with her shunt. So he can do the same procedure he did a year ago for the heel cord lengthening in office, which they just give her a shot on her foot and make a small incision in the back of the heel. She will have to have a cast again but this time he said we can do just 2 weeks instead of 6 weeks like she had last time.

So I feel good about this I think it will be a good thing, we are going to get her new AFO's so she will finally be able to start standing again which is so exciting because she really wants to. She try's pulling herself up on everything all the time. She will even try pushing herself up from the floor but can't stand up because her poor foot is turned in. So before we know it she will be trying to walk and I can't wait till we get there.
