Well yesterdays appointment at Orthopedic "DID NOT" go the way I had expected! In fact it went so left field that I am still trying to get back. Our appointment was to have the shoe's come off and wear just at night, well Emma had to do an x-ray to see where her heal is at and the Dr. bring's the x-ray in and immediately I can tell something is not right with the heal before he says anything. So it took me awhile to understand why this was happening at what it meant. Soo.. he explained that her heal cord is to tight which is causing the bones in her foot to shift and obviously they where not where they are suppose to be. Which means to fix this she needed her heal cord cut. Before I go any further I was trying to figure what happened so drastic between last appointment and now. Well I guess nothing because they thought her foot looked great in fact if they didnt do an x-ray he probably still would have said take the shoes off and not even address the heal cord, but what really gets me is if he would have just taken the stupid X-ray when she got her cast's off then we would know this was happening.
So the Dr says well we don't have to do it today I don't want to bombard you with all of this but she will also half to have a cast on for 3 weeks after. I asked him why he said its just procedure. At that point I wont lie I was very upset but figured well lets get it done and over with because this is more time and puts her behind from her goals and mile stones. So then I ask him where do we go from here after the cast he says she will have to be in her shoe's another month 23/7. I just was Like YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!! UGHH can she just get a freaking break I mean seriously because of these stupid shoes she cant hardly roll around any more and before she had the shoes on she was able to roll around.
So yesterday she had her heal cord extension and they placed yet another cast on her and will be on for the next three weeks and will be taken off the day before Thanksgiving. And we will take it from there but from what I gathered from him he said she will need to get AFO's as well, which is interesting from last appointment she didnt need them and now she does. Just so frustrating sometimes but I guess just one step at a time..
Anyways Payton had so much fun Tricker-Treating we got some good pictures before we went out. Poor little Emma was not to thrilled and got pretty fussy.
My little Sheriff
This was the calm before the storm hit