I have some interesting Spina bifida things I have found and also some more great pictures I want to share.
But first quick update for our lil Emma Lou she seems to be doing much better after being on her anti-biotic's for her UTI. Although a little fussy because of her teeth but for the most part in good spirits. Next week we will do her 6month pediatrician visit and a follow up appointment for Orthopedic so cross your fingers that the Dr. will say she can start wearing her shoes just at night.
So this is an article about a women who has Spina Bifida and her goal is to spread awareness and get support to help fight the cause.
So please check it out!
The next thing I want to share is a guy named Aaron Fotheringham who has Spina Bifida and is in wheel chair but that hasnt let it stop him from following his dreams.
Check it out its pretty neat!
Here's some more great pictures....
Payton and his partner in crime